Stage Experience - Holly Lockley
Holly Lockley is14 years old, and attends Winchcombe School, where along with her core subjects she have chosen to take Performing Arts, Dance, Music, and Art & Sport for her G.C.S.E.s
Holly has had 5 years training at Stagecoach theatre school. She has performed at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London and also performed in 3 pantomimes at the Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury. Earlier this month Holly nervously auditioned for her 4th pantomime at the Roses Theatre and thankfully she and two others (out of 35 auditionees) were selected.
Winchcombe School has a jazz band with some very talented musicians and Holly is very proud to say that she and another girl are the vocals in the band.
Holly's next big love is her horse Pip she is beautiful and she love her to bits; Holly and Pip have started competing together and they both have great fun.